Recently, I was checking out the Mt. Everest and K2 websites. Both of these websites list the number of Summit Attempts and the number of Successful Summits made each year. In Cindy Abbott's post, she recognizes the oldest male to ever summit Mt. Everest. When I was at Trail Crest 9/21/10, I met a man who said he has summited Mt. Whitney 40 times. This got me to wondering about how many Mt. Whitney summits or attempts the members of the Whitney Zone have made. If you care to share, I'd love to read about your summits and attempts. Here's mine:
3 Attempts
3 Summits
My age at each summit (Your age if you choose to share):
First summit: 28 yrs.
Second summit: 51 yrs.
Third summit: 57 yrs.