The tarn at Shepherds Pass is great.

I love the long draw down to the Jmt/Tyndall Ck.

Bighorn Plateau is #1. Must stay there.

If you want to do SOME x-country. You could warm up by taking Shephers to the JMT and following the JMT to Wallace Ck. I have read there are use trails into the upper Wallace drainage (Wallace and Wales Lakes) you can take the Russell-Carrillon Col (stiff class 3) and either (1) descend to UBSL and do the MR OR (2) cut around Russell onto the Rockwell Route, take the balcony over Sakai Col and either (a) drop to Iceberg Lake and the MR via Whitney Russel Col, (b) ascend Whitney's N. Face, or (c) descend Arctic Creek to Guitar Lake and climb Whitney via the trail.

If that is off of the table, Wallace Ck., Sandy Meadow, Crabtree Meadow, or Guitar Lake are all fine campsites.

@jjoshuagregory (Instagram) for mainly landscape and mountain pics