Thank you for input. And yes, I am aware that this is not the preferred or recommended route. It will be steep and a leg burner and I will hate myself at times. But that's part of the fun, right? I enjoy the challenge of bushwacking and routefinding. This isn't my first rodeo even if it will be my first time in the Sierra's. But essentially every time I go on a trip like this it is my first time at that place so you got to take your chances and know when to turn around. I may reconsider and go the well traveled route. I'm still exploring the area and finding out as much as possible to come to my ultimate decision on the route so I genuinely appreciate all feedback.
I've got all the UL gear and am prepared to deal with the elevation. Despite being a flatlander I don't suffer the effects as acutely as other people so I am lucky in that regard. Thanks again.