Hello All! Love all of the information and feedback from the hiking community here.

The “other member of the group that wants to pursue MR” here. Can we clarify manageable to mean that it is not in fact the sheer ice wall that is envisioned by many, but in reality is a 37 degree max grade according to GPS mapping that can be accomplished safely by fit individuals exercising caution and care?

The question at hand is one of two parts. 1) degree of difficulty - while the time spent on the trail will be more difficult on a step to step comparison, the Whitney trail adds nearly 6 miles and roughly 800’ additional feet of elevation gain. All of that considered, is MR really more difficult when all is said and done? Or does it simply offer more challenge at certain moments along the way? Looking for a total sum of the route analyses. In totality, much more difficult? Comparable? Somewhat more difficult? Easier??

And 2) degree of danger - given the current state of the switchbacks and the softening of the snow in the chute, in addition to the narrow icy condition of the crest trail with significant exposure at your side at times.....would it be fair to say that whichever route you choose has inherent risk that will require caution and care? Is the 400’ of notch at 37 degrees(45-50 if you believe hiker reports, but GPS says otherwise - even 45-50 is a far cry from a vertical wall) really any more or less of a “risk” than walking trail crest or climbing the chute? I do not believe the notch has lateral exposure. Is this correct? The danger here would be a slide back down?

Appreciate the opinions and perspectives of all. But would really love feedback from someone who has done at least one, even better both, in early season conditions such as those we have now.