I hiked up on July 22nd. My group brought microspikes, but didn't use them. We all wore trail runners, which gave enough grip on the snow. We didn't bring hiking poles, but they would've been helpful. If you do have poles, try to get baskets on them so they don't sink in the snow.
There are a few stream crossings that either require taking off your shoes or risking getting your feet wet. I'd recommend bringing an extra pair of socks.
The cables were pretty easy to walk past.
The rest of the switchbacks were pretty easy to navigate. There is snow on some of them, but you can clamber on rocks adjacent to the trail to avoid most of it.
The worst area was at the end of the ridge where the trail turns to go up Whitney. I would expect that to have snow for at least another week.
There's some snow in other places, but it is all easier to cross. Here's a patch below Trail Camp.