Summited on Sunday April 28 following the Main Trail.

Tracks follow the usual winter trail:
- chute to access Outpost Camp above the snow-covered creek.
- chute to access Mirror lake above the snow-covered creek.
- Consultation lake detour (Trail Side Meadow snow-covered)
- chute to access Trail Crest (99 switchbacks snow-covered)

- Road open all the way to the trailhead - no snow nor ice.
- Mirror lake has flowing water.
- Pond at Trail Camp is frozen.
- Snow-free spots to setup tent at Trail Camp.
- Heavy snow by the cable section of the 99 switchbacks (cf picture)
- Trail Crest has snow patches but good footprints all over.
- Wind was crazy, winter tent was a must.

You can check the pictures I took here:

Have fun and be safe!