We hiked up Mt San Gorgonio yesterday. There are patches of snow all along the trail, much of it negligible until over just under ~9k feet. That's where we used spikes, but crampons would have been better. On the way up the snow was mushy until ~10k feet. On the way down much of it firmed and became slippery. Deepest was waist deep, but that can be avoided. The trail is completely obscured at sections. The only dangerous spot is near the summit on the north facing slope. You would likely need an ice axe to arrest a fall there.
We passed few hikers along the trail, but one guy we met near the summit was wearing rubber water boots with something clipped to the soles. He also had gaiters to keep the deep snow out. That's what I will do next time.
Water is available at locations along the trail.
I hope to post some pictures tonight to give an idea of what can be expected of this Southern California range.