OK, for bonus points and your graduate degree in MT Whitney permitting issues, here's the kicker. You do not need the Visiting Whitney permit to summit from the west under any circumstances, only to descend east of the Crest, as at Trail Crest or the MR notch, or to fling yourself off the summit to the east.

The simple reason for this - pay attention; this will be on the final - is that Mt. Whitney summit is not in the Whitney Zone. That's right, Mt WHitney is not in the Whitney Zone, nor is any of the trail between Trail Crest and the Summit. And yes, I know what the maps look like, and yes I know what some rangers at the Visitors Center will say (until pressed) but the Summit and the entire trail from trail Crest and from Guitar Lake, to the Summit, are in SEKI and under their jurisdiction. Even on an Inyo Wilderness permit, you do not need the VW permit to, well VW.


Trail Crest Exit Quota

Last edited by saltydog; 02/27/17 05:06 PM.

Wherever you go, there you are.