Originally Posted By: Kllrsqrls
Originally Posted By: + @ti2d

Yes, my wife and I were married at Whitney Portal by Kurt Wedberg in July 2007. You can get the process rolling at the Inyo County Courthouse in Independence (north of the holy city of Lone Pine). My family are not hikers, so my wife and I headed up to Lone Pine Lake (did not have permit).

Hope this helps.


Oh, nice! That sounds like a great compromise for the non-hiking family members that you made.

If it looks like we are being a little unrealistic with the "top of the mountain idea," then that might be a good way to go to at least have the beautiful setting - thanks for sharing!


Hmmm. Interesting that Mr. Wedberg is qualified to perform a marriage ceremony. I wouldn't give up on the summit idea so easily. Now, I don't know Kurt personally, but he reputed to be able to get himself and others to the summit of Whitney with some record of success. Y0u should look him up.

Wherever you go, there you are.