Thanks all for your replies!

Steve C - yes, I think I had read that it was pretty easy to get licensed to officiate weddings in California, and that it might even be possible to do online, although I guess the paperwork for the marriage certificate itself would have to be picked up at the county office, so we'd probably have to do that ourselves along the way at some point, or maybe ask if they can send it out to us in advance.

Bob West - We are not religious and we don't need/want an ordained clergyman, just someone with the legal authority to witness our vows and sign off on the marriage license with us. We are a pretty traditional heterosexual couple anyways - thanks for the heads up though and the suggestions for contact info.

saltydog - Yes, I think we were just wanting someone basically to witness us say our vows - and we were kind of envisioning doing it at the top of a mountain for some reason smile Maybe not entirely realistic given the logistical issues.

Thanks for the congrats as well - we have been engaged for many years now, but since we have not been in a major rush, we have been holding out to find the perfect place to do it. Thanks for the links as well, very helpful info to have.