Thanks RenoFrank and Steve C!

I will definitely try not to go too off-topic about other trails and activities! I hope I didn't go out of bounds mentioning the JMT, just wanted to provide a context for our wedding "plans"/ideas as they relate to Mt. Whitney.

What I realized after doing more reading online is that my fiance and I would find the Mt. Whitney ascent really really tough, maybe impossible, to do at the beginning of a hiking trip, without enough time to acclimatize, since we live at sea level. So, we are thinking now we will try to do some kind of longer hiking trip first in the general area and then do a side trip to Mount Whitney Portal and try to get a walk-in permit, or go in through one of the alternate trailheads you guys mentioned.

I will probably check back here once our plans are more developed to see if anyone might be planning a climb around the same time.

Thanks again to all for your replies and a advice!
