Itinerary is super. LPL is quieter and lower and should aid in getting a good night's sleep. I can't sleep all that well at 12,000'.

Filter...You should be ok anywhere. Most of the water I have taken from the pond is boiled for coffee and filtering.

Amount of water...Take a bit more just in case you really screw up and are stuck up top. I have needed 5 L on a below freezing day but most times I am into my 4th L on the way down.

Mosquitoes...My guess they are gonzo. I have never had an issue with'm this late in the year.

Canister...It ain't bears; it's marmots you are protecting your food from and they are relentless.

Forecast...I use NOAA and I read the weather at Trail Crest. If it doesn't look right I head back down.

Tent...I have never collapsed a tent but I have guyed it out and filled it with rocks. I have seen tents tossed about at Outpost Camp.

Horseshoe Meadow...Never seen it full and there are so many places to stealth camp I would not worry about it.

The Trail...People get most exercised about areas that are not that dangerous and do just fine in areas that are. The most common problem is the between Trailside Meadow and Mirror Lake during the descent. Just stop at Trailside Meadow, dunk your head, soak your feet and be refreshed for the trip through it. I have walked off the trail most trips down...usually by a few feet. If find yourself in geographic ambiguity...STOP!!! and wait for others descending or ascending.