Camping at Lone Pine Lake is permissible with an overnight permit. There is some confusion because hiking to Lone Pine Lake does not need a permit for a day hike. Be sure to confirm when picking up your permit, as things change and web sites are not updated.

1. People are required to have an overnight permit to stay overnight in the Golden Trout, John Muir, Ansel Adams and Hoover Wildernesses. That means you need to get a Main Mt. Whitney Trail overnight permit to stay overnight at Lone Pine Lake since the lake is inside the John Muir Wilderness (the Whitney Zone is irrelevant in this case). Although most people hiking the main trail stay overnight at either Outpost Camp or Trail Camp, there are no additional restrictions when staying at Lone Pine Lake or Consultation Lake. Just camp at least 100 feet away from the lake and any established trails. Note: Camping is prohibited at Mirror Lake and Trailside Meadow.