Originally Posted By: 1st timer
I sometimes appreciate a good pun. But seriously..........You recommend I take no water? Or chuck the pack altogether? The pack is not a good idea for a day hike? Thanks for the electrolyte tip.

No, take water. I carry about 8 oz for the dry mouth between stream encounters. Take at least 3 liters at the last water at switchback 22.

You also need the pack to carry food -- eat a snack every hour down low. Up high your appetite may leave. (That's where the Nuun tablets help.) And you need warm clothing and possibly rain gear. So you definitely need the pack. Just don't overload with water unnecessarily.

Those water stops are more restful if you just dip and drink.

By the way: eje67's trip to Baja: Unless you get a positive ID that it was giardia, it was more likely plain old food poisoning, not the water. I once spent 6 weeks in Peru, and lost 15 lbs. I've had a giardia case once, too (identified by the doctor). It was easy to treat.