1st timer: Do NOT carry a gallon of water up the trail. It could just be the straw that breaks the camelback (No pun intended of course.

Old timers never even treat the water. I just came down from the summit, and dipped and drank from:
- The spring at Switchback 22
- The inlet to the Trail Camp pond
- The stream where the trail is close just below Lone Pine Lake.
- Trailside Meadow.
If you MUST, you can carry water treatment tablets, or a filter (which adds weight and cost), both options are lighter than all that water.
For your reference: Water discussions (Drink untreated, or filter/treat/boil/etc.)
Water and Giardia around Mt. Whitney 60,000 Liters of Water Consumed -- Untreated Filter question (links to studies, etc.)
By the way, I just discovered for myself how good the Nuun electrolyte tabs are. They turn water into something that tastes like a carbonated drink, which several times during my 7-day trip really helped my appetite! They make a Kool Aid mixture taste like a soft drink. I found them at a local hiking store as well as at the REI.