It was a month long trip, and the acute giardia symptoms (all of those listed on the CDC website, all at the same time, most notably the "greasy stools" which exited my body through uncontrollable diarrhea and which were unlike anything I've ever experienced before or after, I had to wear a makeshift diaper for several days) happened the last week of the trip. The timing of the acute symptoms ruled out the infection happening anywhere other than in Mexico, on that trip. The acute symptoms subsided before the trip was over, and the weight loss happened over a several month period afterward.
Now we've established that I did actually have giardia, and that I got it in Mexico and nowhwere else. If there are any other holes to poke in my giardia story please feel free to fire away! lol.
As far as "condemning" Sierra water, when did I do that? What I said was I had read some of the linked materials (with which I have no disagreement by the way), and I decided to filter my water. If that is "illogical" then I guess I'm guilty as charged!
Last edited by eje67; 07/24/14 01:26 PM.