Originally Posted By: Bee
Svea: A beautiful work of art.
Oh, yes indeed. A very favorite stove of mine to this day. Of all the stoves produced in the 1950's only the Svea 123 is still produced today.

Originally Posted By: Bee
The best part was watching him douse the assembled stove(comes in a tiny cannister) in fuel & light it on fire (I thought he was nuts).
Oh dear me. You have made Hikin' Jim the stovie very sad. frown That is no way to treat a work of art. Just fill the little dimple (depression) around the burner column with white gas or better still alcohol and ignite. That's it. Do not douse. You could ruin the valve.

Originally Posted By: Bee
Homemade Alcohol Stove: Don't try this at home....or on the trail. The flame is almost invisible, & it's a good way to start a forest fire AND it does not burn at a sufficiently high enough temp for many applications.
Hmm. Well, there are good alky stoves and bad ones. And they are slow, but they're very light and there is nothing to go wrong on them. They have their place, but they're not as straightforward as a conventional canister gas stove. Call them an acquired taste.


Backpacking stove reviews and information: Adventures In Stoving