Aki said off trail traverse...this ain't exactly trailwalking. That is what I based my reply on.

Again, how many people get lost on MMWT vs. how many hike it? Ultimately, anyone considering this has to weigh the risks. My response lists what I do on all solo hikes...not just the MMWT.

I hike Mt. Baldy occasionally the trail is ill defined through the bowl, there is the big building with solar panels on it that is one big visual clue where you need to be, yet, people end up at the top of San Antonio Falls 1,200' below. How two groups got there this year, I do not rightly know but I would not recommend against solo hiking Mt. Baldy because two group made an an error in navigation. The same holds true for the MMWT.

As long as you do your homework...map study, trail reports, perusing this and other Whitney related websites, asking questions of the experts and setting hard fast rules for yourself, doing Mt. Whitney with 200 of your nearest and dearest newest friends should be a problem. With that said, you will never eliminate risk, only minimize it.