
You seem to be stuck on the stupid word...does foolish work better for you?

Do I find one to three death here acceptable?. All things considered, I find it acceptable when you consider who comes to Mt. Whitney. People who rent crampons and ice axe to climb the chute, people who do not train properly, who are unwilling to turn around when an alien is trying to crawl out of their right eye, they have not been able to eat since Trailside Meadow but continue to climb, refuse to carry enough clothing, refuse to carry the 10 essentials, refuse to study a map, refuse to carry enough water for the Trail Camp to Trail Camp round trip and walk into lightning storms to summit. Do I like the fact that people die here? No but the will continue to do so.

Let's see, there are numerous websites, message boards, facebook groups, trip reports galore and then there is the patio cover with all it graphics about what and does go wrong on this mountain...yet people die here every year and will continue die here because few listen when you tell them what is obvious to you and me. The accident remain the same, only the names change.

They put a sign at LeConte Falls in Yosemite...something along the lines of the granite is polished from the river water do not venture out...there were a bunch of people out on the granite to get better pictures...there are others. Mt. Baden-Powell has its danger sign but people go up it every winter, who are clueless and end up with a free helicopter ride.

Another sign will make some feel good but it will accomplish next to nothing. We have signs here...what have they accomplished?