Originally Posted By: Steve Chamberlin
While not a permanent solution, I think a good step forward would be a refundable deposit fee for WAG bags, similar to the deposit on cans and bottles.

The deposit would have to be high enough to get 99.9% compliance. In my mind that makes somewhere in the neighborhood a few hundred dollars. That will never happen.

Next, when you walk off the trail at 9 PM and want to get in your car and head to beautiful downtown Fontana, who is going to be there to check in your WAG Bag? The visitors centers and ranger stations are manned mostly by volunteers throughout this country. I cannot see the forest service leaving someone in the visitor center 24/7 during the quota season, let alone during the rest of the year.

If some drags them down, they collect the deposit. This would call for a deposit that would motivate someone to put "hazardous waste" in their pack.

But it all goes back to points 1 and 2.