Right after Father's Day....good for you.

Actually that sounds about when I thought about going.

I would hike out of Onion Valley the first day and camp above Vidette Meadows (second bear box). Second day to the lake at 12,000 (above Golden Bear).....as you know, this is the old JMT prior to 1932....heads up and over Junction Pass.

Third day, day hike Forester and back down to Vidette. Fourth day back to the car.

One thing that caught my eye. You mention Heart Lake. Heart Lake is not on the trail, the lake is several hundred feet below the trail. It really is off the beaten track. It just looks accessible from the map....it's an illusion.

Yes, I like that meadow at 11,000....nice jumping off point.

How old is your son? Strong hiker or is dad going to carry most of the stuff? A number of years ago I took my daughter and carried pretty much everything. She carried her clothes and a few things.
