I am going to head up to Center Basin the middle of June.
Are you hiking out of Onion or Symmes? My son & I are doing the Kearsarge-Portal route starting Jun 16 - maybe we'll see you. Here's the plan:
D1/Jun 16 - drive up, shuttle car, hike up to around 11k above Heart lake. If we feel good, go over the pass to the Kearsarge lakes. If we're feeling really frisky, keep going up to Vidette. (A couple of years ago, I hiked to below Forester before crashing for the night.)
D2/Jun 17 - 11.k meadow below Forester (about 2 miles past the junction to Center basin). If we crossed Kearsarge the day before, we might cross Forester on D2 depending on time/weather.
D3/Jun 18 - Wallace creek or Crabtree mdw.
D4/Jun 19 - Guitar (basically a rest day to fish the creek, Timberline, etc). If we've been cooking and made it to Crabtree in 3 days, then hit Whitney and crash @ Trail camp.
D5/Jun 20 - Portal either way.