SaltyDog is on Day 7, and made contact from Reds Meadow. Thus far, he has followed the itinerary he layed out, going about 10 miles/day on average. Salty reports weather has been great, though very cold at night (in 30's). No thunderstorms have come in his path thus far, though he has seen some from afar.
Salty reports most creek beds are bone dry, but creeks are strong and gushing where fed by Glaciers (which he met with mixed feelings; beautiful sight, water in abundance, but sad to know Glaciers are melting.) An example he gave of gushing creek is just above Lyle Forks Headwaters, where it is gushing like a normal season.
Salty had no problem receiving his resupply boxes that he mailed to himself at Tuolomne Meadows or at Red Meadows (though one at Red Meadows arrived a little beat up.) He says he found himself oversupplied with food, because he brought too much, and is eating less. So he donated some food to hikers resupply at Red Meadows.
Salty says the traveling community is really something, and revels in the camaraderie, and the sharing of conditions at that lake or this pass. Some special connections include Rocky and Annette from Seattle were at Red Meadows today, supporting their daughter, Marie, who is hiking the JMT (with friends) for the first time.
Also at or near Lyle Canyon a few days ago (Aug. 8), a hiker overtook Salty from behind, and called out, "Hey, are you flying your Freak Flag?," alluding to his neon green ribbon of that name that trails from his pack. This hiker is a woman who is a member of the Whitney Hikers Assoc., who goes by "Akichow." As the story goes, they ended up cutting Salty's freak flag in two, and Akichow is now flying her own Freak Flag. Salty thought Akichow would be at least a day ahead of him at this point. (Note another hiker near Nevada Falls on Day 1 called out, "Hey I recognise that flag," but whizzed by Salty Dog before Salty could catch whizzer's name.
Salty plans to push to Purple Lake tonight. Next resupply (and probably next communication) will be from Muir Trail Ranch on or around Day 12.