I am starting this report pre-trip for a couple of reasons. I hope to write this up at length , and want to get in the rhythm of reporting. Also, would like to meet up with any of you who may be on the MWMT around the 26 of August, or even on the JMT between Aug 5 and 26. So just the basics first. Starting at Happy Isles August 5, with an easy day one, only to Little Yos Valley the first night, then building mileage from there. Strategy is to hit the passes early each day, camping each night near the base of the next climb. Resup at Tuolumne, Red's and MTR, also building pack weight.
Back story here is that I have been working up to this for 49 years, ever since I got snowed out at Trail Camp in the freak storm of late August, 1964.
This shot is that storm, different location, but the only current documentation of the weather event I can find. Imagine TC looking like that a month from now, but it did in '64. I have been back several times, and still haven't managed to get down the other side of Trail Crest, even with 2 summits. 2011 HST hike got stopped below Kaweah Gap, by late snow.
Next installment: how it took 50 years for the idea of this trip to dawn. After that: Planes, Trains and No automobiles: Doing the JMT coast to coast, portal to Portal to portal, all on public transportation.