look for a guy with a big blue Whitney 95 pack and a teenager with a smallish 48 liter Osprey pack, both wearing red La Sportiva Trango GTX boots. I usually have a big fat Nikon DSLR hanging over my shoulder.
We start out a little slower to make sure we're firing on all cylinders before we get up to regular daily 20-25 mile speed, so we're not going to be around Muir Pass this early.
right now this is the northbound plan around that date, maybe a day faster than this
8-19 Bighorn Plateau - Junction Pass - back to JMT at Vidette
8-20 Vidette to Twin Lakes south of Pinchot
8-21 Pinchot, Mather and possibly to Potluck Pass (High Route after Palisade Lakes)
If you're on Muir Pass on the 19th, somewhere around Mather may be the likely point where our paths cross.
Kelty Serac should be unique enough to spot you