Well, I was hoping to summit today but my body had other plans. I've been fighting some kind of virus since last week, Doctor took me out of work for a couple days and said I might want to wait on the hike (what does he know anyways, right), but I thought I felt fine enough anyways. The day started off ok, figured I've got this. This would have been my 4th summit in the last year and a half. As I got closer and closer to Trail Camp, I realized I was getting kind of (pretty) slow. So, when I got there I figured I would take a break and eat some snacks. I thought if I got off my feet for a bit I could continue. So, I started up the switchbacks. A few hundred yards later, my nose clogged up (couldn't breathe), I started coughing, and my legs got pretty tired. That's when I threw in the towel. I wasn't going to push it any further.
Funny thing is, is that my Wife told me not to go. Now all I hear is I told you so. Hindsight, I should have listened, canceled my permit and gave someone else a chance to summit. Lesson learned.
Other than that, it was a beautiful day up there.