Yes, wives have intuition. I should know!

Fail? In my book, there ain't no such thing as "fail" on a hike. Turning around was the right thing to do. That "beautiful day" cost you $15! It was money well spent and worth every penny, worth every step. The question you have to ask yourself is this: Did I have fun? If you answered "yes" to that question, then it was a good day considering the circumstances.
Hope you get better. There is a lot of that virus going around. Maybe that good Sierra Nevada air will help you shake it off. I have had this persistent cough and annoying chest cold for a couple of weeks now. My wife has had it for a week more than me. We both can't seem to shake it off.
Maybe a hot toddy will do wonders!
Like Steve said the mountain will always be there. Just make sure you listen to your wife!
Better yet, take her with you the next time you go! If she has never been on the trail, she will see for herself what she has been missing. And as both of you pause for a breather while taking it all in, you can tell her...
"I told you so!"