Living at sea level, I always find it helps coming out a day or two before and spending some time (passively) at least 5000ft on one day, ideally up to 8000, then the second day pushing it physically up to above 12,000 before going for a 14er.

If I've been hiking to 13-14k a few times in the last 4-6 weeks, then I just spend a day at 8000 and try as Steve suggested to get some solid sleep the night before and keep hydrated, but you'll have to experiment what works best. I like to think my body acclimatizes faster each time due to some body memory.

Some days I do everything right, go slow, sleep and hydrate, eat accordingly and I feel like crap; other days, when I have no other option to stay a few days, I've flown in from sea level, driven straight up to a 14er on NO sleep and climbed fine. Go figure.

If you plan on using Gorgonio to acclimatize, I'd recommend climnbing it twice as day trips; the second time, sleeping at the summit to really help get you ready and then have a rest day or two in between your Whitney attempt. Remember it is still 3000ft lower, but it can be better than starting from 0ft and staying in Lone Pine only.