I'll jump in, not because I can add something new because you have plenty of advice. But it's likely we'll cross paths, so here are my plans in case we do.

I'll be camping on the 10th somewhere short of the cables, or possibly at Trail Crest. Wearing my clothes inside my 40 deg sleeping bag, perhaps augmented by a light bivy sack, will do just fine. I anticipate my overnight pack will weigh about 10 lb (less if I leave the single malt and book behind), but I'll add 3 liters of water as I ascend through Trail Camp. Have 1 to 1.5 for dinner and breakfast, carry the remainder to the summit.

We all have stories to tell, and I'm no different. Except mine are mostly older and involve people, stuff, and conditions foreign to most of you. I'm happy to tell you some of mine, but am more interested in listening to yours.

Look for some old guy in a Tilley hat, with brown shirt and a couple of brass accoutrements, looking sort of like a ranger.

Last edited by Bob R; 10/03/12 08:32 AM.