Originally Posted By: Harvey Lankford
time for a mountaineering literature food quote

Most expeditions have some story about their food and attitudes to it vary from the haute cuisine of some French expeditions to the blunt assertion of Tilman, the famous eccentric and explorer, that he did not mind as long as there was some.
Joe Tasker, Everest the Cruel Way

And another:

"Stand up ya voracious man-eatin' sonofabitch and receive yer sentence. When ya came to Hinsdale County, there was seven Democrats. But you, ya ate five of 'em, goddam ya. I sentence yah t' be hanged by th' neck until yer dead, dead, dead, as a warnin' ag'in reducin' th' Democratic population of this county. Packer, you Republican cannibal, I would sentence ya ta hell but the statutes forbid it."

-- Hon. M.B. Gerry (reportedly) sentencing Alferd S. Packer

Wherever you go, there you are.