Yuppers, Bee: hot wasabi peas (more for the zing and crunch rather than any real caloric value). The meat is salami.

Steve, I've had no problems with salami or string cheese for up to two weeks. The cheese is sealed, so no bacterial growth. Can't vouch for the salami, and I know DUG has had issues in the past.

Actually, my greatest weakness, requiring a stove for hot water, is coffee in the mornings. I mostly combine it with hot chocolate to make mochas, but at least there are better options in the instant coffee market now (Starschmucks, TJ's) that pack small and taste really good. I also find that having tea before bed helps me get to sleep more easily.

I do admit I need a pack intervention: again, I'm not as big a fan of hauling giant loads as people think. I just *can* do it.


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