Alright, for those who do not want to wander through large blocks of text, here is the story in pictures!
The whole album can be seen
here: DAY 1 First view of Langley across Cottonwoods Lakes Basin
DAY 2 Climbing up to New Army Pass
DAY 2 Approach to Langley from New Army Pass

DAY 2 UH-OH!!! Rain clouds in the South (and West)

DAY 2 Langley summit plateau as seen from our descent to LSL.

DAY 2 Weather looking better as we get close to LSL

DAY 2 Trout for dinner at LSL

DAY 3 Cross country to Miter Basin

DAY 3 The Miter (we camped in the trees up on the Miter)

DAY 3 Skyblue Lake with Mt. Langley in the background

DAY 3 Looking South at Miter Basin from Skyblue Lake drainage

DAY 4 Deer (but no fish) at Upper Soldier Lake