Poop pictures? "Waste" of time...(I also saw the scarred face of a rock on the summit with someone's initials along with the remnants of someone's graffiti)

I wasn't out "looking" out for these...they were in my line of sight. Beauty ruined by a F****** bag or a smell that could gag a maggot.

Again, hideous, but sad at the same time...My how time changes things...

How long will it be before all of these freshwater sources (i.e., the BHP spring, SB 23, the inlet) along the MWT become contaminated with E. coli...

I am reminded of the 70s commercial with Iron Eyes Cody of the "Keep America Beautiful" PSA.
The environmental commercial showed Cody as an Indian, shedding a tear after people throw trash from a speeding car and it lands at his feet. The announcer, William Conrad, says: "People start pollution; people can stop it."

I, too, shed a tear...I, too, want to stop it...

I want the children of those who post here and on the WPSMB to enjoy what my wife, I, and my friends have enjoyed and respected.

The pictures in this post sends it home...6-year-old on Whitney

Will there be any beauty left for her children to enjoy? Will there be smiles? Will there be tears?

My wife and I are willing to step up to contribute and rid of these bags along the MWT. We are not looking for a free pass, a free ride or free room and board. We will pay for the permit (to squeeze in a summit possibility), will pay for our food, and will pay for our room or campsite.

We will pay our dues to clean up the "do."

Leader or follower...whatever it takes...

Before its gone... frown

Journey well...