There is a wag bag problem, but it isn't quite as bad as everyone thinks. I left mine (used) at Outpost Camp last Sunday morning and picked it up on my way out Monday afternoon. In between I'm sure quite a few people spotted it and thought the worst.

That day and the next I saw several on my way up that were gone on my way down. I surmised that the depositors also saw no reason to carry excess crap to the summit and back, and were doing the right thing.

Knowing that people go off trail to do their deed, I would think that--if they were going to abandon it--they would do so off trail as well. But people who are conscientious would bring it to the trail so they could easily spot it on the way down. I'd like to think that every bag left by the trail is one of those.

No question there's a problem, but there's more to it than meets the eye (or nose).

By the way, I have a hell of a time containing the odor, and it's clear that others do too. It really helps to bring along a new gallon-size freezer bag, and put wag and contents in that for the carryout.