These boards are, I suspect, a huge success in terms of information-sharing and accident-prevention. But first, a caveat.
Every time I have been on Whitney, I've seen stupid things. Well, this last time, it was what a friend described to me that
he saw (not me) just below the summit plateau that took the cake for this trip -- from his description, a guy helping another guy with a staggering ataxic walk (potential HACE, anyone?) climb
higher toward the summit.
But I think the message and information does get through, or you'd see even more stupidity. A lot of first timers come here and ask questions and then plan, and do it right. I count myself (2010) among them. So if you count success in terms of stupidity avoided, then I suspect that these bulletin boards and resources are a huge success.
Yes, I realize some folks will point out that there is also mis-information on the internet, and here. But, overall, this site and the other site have a wealth of good information and advice, and I know that has made the difference for me.
Now, someone please tell me, because I still look for advice here: if I want to climb Mt. Langley AND visit Miter Basin, what is my best route, and how many days should I take?