Wilderness means a certain degree of solitude.
Backcountry means not being able to see the front country.
Whitney is neither.
But, that being said, and at the risk of upsetting my boss' husband: Bob, when I go north in a few weeks, I'll be a touron climbing in a new range. I suppose I should stay home?
More seriously, anyone who treats my backyard
responsibly is welcome here. Educate yourselves, practice leave no trace ethics, hike and climb with good judgement and safety. If you insist on acting like asses, I, for one, have no problem calling you on it. To your face. Confrontationally.
In the meantime, while y'all fight over quotas/poopbags/camping spaces/definitions/watevah, I'll be out playing in the grandest backyard for which any girl could ever wish...