Burchey, honestly, I saw as many wag bags by Iceberg Lake as I did by Trail Camp last year. Same day, I went up the MR, and down the MT. I used to think like you until I saw that. I was a little shocked, expecting the scramblers and climbers would take better care of their trail and environment. That doesn't seem to be the base.
Bob, I disagree. Your proposal is excessive and extreme. It'd make the wilderness less accessible to people. There are people who trash it regardless, but if most folks cannot experience and access places like Whitney to appreciate, they'll also not care what happens to it as well.
I agree with Burchey that there are much more beautiful and spectacular peaks all along the Sierra. Give people the Whitney trail and places like Half Dome. There are hundreds if not thousands of places for others who want something to say other than I've been to the highest point in the contiguous U.S. I'll leave it at that.