Hello... my name is Chris and I am a vacation backpacker (I live AWAY from the Sierra and have to actually request time off of work, aka vacation, in order to do any backpacking... I actually know people who -gasp- come from OUT OF STATE to be vacation backpackers in the Sierra....). My segway is currently being retrofitted with larger tires in order to be able to climb the stupid granite stairs below Trail Camp (I had to carry it last time, Sorry Mom... I forgot to tell you it was in my backpack... maybe thats what kept us from reaching the summit). In addition to my confessions... I'd like to say that I am that person who reaches Trail Camp and is so exhausted I can't see straight (yet... I still manage to find my Wag Bag and use it).
I spent all day thinking of scathing replies to the preceding posts on this thread, highly offended by the offhand stereotyping that I saw being tossed around by some people I respect. But decided to semi-behave myself...
What it really comes down to is this.... There are city folk, day trippers, overnighters, old people, young people, experienced outdoor folks and newbies who love and adore and cherish the wilderness and Whitney. Then again... there are city folk, day trippers, overnighters, old people, young people, experienced outdoor folks and newbies who abuse those same things with every step they take and breath they breath (really? Smoking and dropping cigarette butts at 14K? I can barely BREATH at 12K!)
What is the solution? Putting solar toilets back in? That might help in the immediate areas where the toilets are, I'll admit that much ... however... unless there are solar toilets every mile or so... people are still going to drop trow on the side of the trail and do their business.... the "exhausted elevation affected" people (oh wait... I fit in THAT category too).... who have a sudden urge aren't going to cross their legs and hobble their way uphill to another port-a-pottie...
I like the idea of hiker education. I am all about education. Requiring some sort of attendance at a sit-down lecture before you are allowed to receive your permit is a fabulous idea. I think that the permit group leader AND second should be (at the least) required to sit down and learn about not only wag bags, but fire rules (can I have a campfire at Trail Camp?), trail safety (the bear canister is sooooo heavy), and weather safety (its just a little thunder....).... maybe Inyo could partnership with A-16 and/or REI and when speakers who cover certain topics lecture at their stores they can sign off on a permit lecture form saying that so-and-so met the qualifications for the Wilderness Education Lecture and can get their permit (this would allow for those after hour pickups and for walk-ins who don't catch the lecture before permits are issued in the mornings).
A reduction of hiker traffic might be an answer… but I'm not sure it would have the effect that Mr. West is thinking. If the percentage of "good" people to "bag" people is 50/50…. Lowering the permit numbers will reduce the people allowed on the trail, but it isn't going to ensure the "bag" people are kept out versus the "good" people.
Is there a cure all solution to keep Whitney (or any other trail clean)? No… not really. There will always be rude, inconsiderate, uneducated, ungrateful ingrates wanting to hike Whitney and being awarded permits… those are the same people who "vacation" in places like Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce, Yellowstone…. You name it you're going to find them there.
And just because I wouldn't be me if I didn't respond … Burchey…. Sodomite is Sodomite no matter where you find the definition. Read the Bible story about Sodom and Gomorrah… Also, You may be able to breeze up paved highways like Mt. Whitney without so much as batting an eyelash or loosing your breath, but most of the rest of us Mere Mortals DO suffer a little to get where we're going (or more then a little). We use front-country, yet challenging (to us at least) trails like Mt. Whitney's Main Trail to celebrate remission from illness, recovery from injury, betterment of ourselves… or just to celebrate life…..So maybe you should step down off your testosterone poisoned, I am GodLike, hear me roar my betterness then all of the little underlings pedestal…. And be a productive member of the conversations…..
And if all else fails… I think I know a wholesale cork supplier that Inyo can contract with….