Thanks for the information. The plan i was thinking for us to acclimate is:

Get to lone pine friday. My friend has a truck with a pop up camper in back. Drive as high as we can to park/camp. Day hike around Friday to over 10k, sleep in truck. Saturday day hike hopefully to 11k if possible and hang out a while and hten relax in pop up again. SUnday drive as high as any of the roads allow and relax up there and watch a movie in his popup. Then leave Sunday nihght/monday morning for the summit (Monday july 9 is our passes).

I also reserved 4 spots but there is only 2 if anyone wants to go (not necesarily with us but wants to go and doesnt have a permit) for July 9, 2012.

Also, is there a baseline condition we should be in? I feel like we are both in great sea level shape as we are 4 day a week gymers and everyother sunday hike at a minimum. Any other tips to make sure we make it successfuly?

Thank you all very much, first day at the site but I love the quick responses and loads of information