Looking for any info from anyone who has done Tyndall this season/recently. Child planning on doing north west approach possibly tomorrow. I have done east approach but due to being too far north ended up on north side of the thumb on the way up. So I know how to get over it and so does my child. The way down I did better at ideal east route and it was an easy walk down virtually all on slab.

Is the northwest route under snow/ice? They will have crampons and ice ax. He is better with crampons than I am but I am better with the ice ax. Overall I would put hm as competent but far from expert with snow/ice.

By the way he is approaching via kearsarge and forester and exiting via shepherds. He has done snow covered Forester before.

Thanks for any info.

Last edited by Heuschele; 05/25/24 03:02 PM.