Lots of options from companies like ULA, SWD etc. Many can be customized to your needs with pockets, colors etc.
I never could get comfortable with the ZPacks arc series. Always thought the arc just reduced interior space when "arc'd". I also couldn't quite get my weight down low enough into the sweet spot for that pack.
When I wanted to save a little weight from my Gregory Paragon 58, I picked up a used Gossamer Gear Mariposa. It strays a bit away from the single compartment of the packs mentioned above with some extra pockets (like a large/ tall side pocket I use for my tent).
Have only used a few times, but so far so good. And it's only 2lbs.
Only thing I'd change is to put larger hip pockets, but that is not an option. They're fine, but just a bit larger would be nice.
Last edited by MikeH; 11/10/19 08:05 AM.