I appreciate all the posts and support on this site.
Not a summit, but just as important to me. I called this the "F#(% Heart Attacks" hike, as it's been one year since my heart attack. I've overcome cancer, a new hip, but this one, well just a bit more special, as heart attacks effect your brain, your thoughts. My best friend DJ was there with me, he had no worries, and he's always been there every time I needed a summit, or just needed a hand. My love A.M. was at home, and I know she worries about her crazy man. She also knows me, and supported me every day, and knows I don't give up. Cell service was good, so texted and called her from the e-ledges, and from Lower Boy Scout. Doug and Erlene were there too, and the support I got from so many people to get past my "head", humbles this guy. Yea, we've summited this mountain a bunch of times, both the MR and the main trail, but this one was special. "F#(% Heart Attacks"