@ psykokid, If this were our second time out I'd definitely try that route. The 3 of us are all in pretty decent shape and hike the AT regularly putting in big miles, but as this is our first time at these elevations and first time hiking out West we're playing it safe. Going off trail probably won't be in the cards this time.
I wouldn't mind hiking into the Miter basin from the South or tackling Langley if we have the time on our return trip though. Those 2 are the only reasons I was looking at cell phone gps apps as I don't know how well defined the use trails are? My friends won't be up for any route finding, that much I do know.
@ Harvey, I do have the pcta maps via Halfmile, unfortunately they don't get into the miter basin, Langley, or Cottonwood lakes.
@ steve and futbol, I love to take pics and vids and follow on the maps, so I usually carry an external battery with me. I recently got a Pixel 2 XL, so had to upgrade mine to the RAVPower 10000mAh w/USB-C connection. It's 8.9oz of peace of mind to snap as many photos and stare at a map as much as I want.

Mudslides? No Bueno!