Anyone going up this weekend? My buddy BlueWater and myself are driving up from SoCal tomorrow morning.
We're going to hike to either LP lake or Outpost (depending on snow levels/consolidation), and then either set up camp, or continue on to TC/Consultation before evening (allowing the snow to once again firm up).
If it's still too soft, we'll spend the night, then get up to TC before 7am. At that point, we'll probably head up the Chute and check out conditions from there.
Personally, I have no interest in breaking snow, so if there aren't any tracks, we may screw around on Discovery, then come back down. I wouldn't mind hiking around Consultation under Arc pass as well.
Sunday will be the make or break day. We'll probably head up the Chute again to see if anyone has come or gone. Of course, we'll probably have had time to talk to anyone passing by through TC beforehand.
Bottom line is there will most likely be plenty of others, so if anyone from this board is thinking of heading up, feel free to stop by and say hello.