Ok, knocked it out in one day. Here was the schedule, conditions and gear...
First time on Whitney. Was about 21.5 miles round trip car to car.
320a Parked at Portal
330a Started the hike
I walked the trail in the dark for about 2 hours til sunrise at 530a.
350a First creek crossing. Pretty easy, about 3-5 inches deep.
430a Second creek crossing. A lot more water. Swifter water, maybe about a foot deep max. Some of the rocks used to cross were submerged, so maybe throw on waterproof boots or strip down and cross barefoot.
6a Hit snow about 1000 ft above Lone Pine Lake, right before Outpost Camp. Wasnt patchy, just all began at once. Put on crampons and poles w/ snow baskets. The snow was very firm. Noticed some people wearing microspikes, which seemed OK but not great.
730a Was at Trail Camp. Snow was firm but extreme sun cup'd. Find a line made by other hikers and follow their trail.
8a Hit the snow chute. Sun started to soften up the snow. Everyone who turned back had NO ICE AXE and wore MICROSPIKES. The only folks making it had CRAMPONS. 90% had an ICE AXE and the few who didn't had poles. Steps were pretty well carved in from previous climbers but loose.
9a At the top of Trail Crest. Removed crampons and put ice axe away, pulled out my poles. Now at about 13500ft.
10-1115a - Traversed across the very rocky path to MT Whitney, some ice and snow but minimal and not in a high risk spot. When at the base Whitney summit on the Crest Trail, the snow and ice starts up again.
1115a Put on crampons and pulled out my ice axe. Followed other's kick steps in the snow and bouldered my way through the rocky patches eventually finding the Mount Whitney Trail again and followed it up the top.
12p made summit. Talked to some PCT'ers and tooks some pics.
1215p headed down, same route, back to the crest trail. Ice axe and crampons.
1230pm -2p walked back down crest trail. Took off crampons.
215p - Reached the top of the snow chute. Put on my goretex pants and jacket for the glissade down.
216p - Looking for a glissade path, noticed several others with no helmets, CRAMPONS ON, and using their ice axes in self arrest to do some weird hybrid glissade. Well that's an excellent way to get hurt.
220p - I glissaded down, used my ice axe PROPERLY (read about glissading, it it NOT the same as self arrest)... and passed everyone who was self arresting all the way down.
225p - bottom of the snow chute.
230p to 330pm - walked through both sun cupped snowfields or paths previous stomped in by previous hikers all the way to Outpost camp.
330p - finally out of the ice. Retraced my steps back to the Whitney Trail, crossed the wood bridge path and almost fell in but didnt, thank god. Continued down all the way to the parking lot.
530p - at my car, went in the portal store and got my girl a souvenir so I wouldn't get whined at all night about not taking her.
Overall, long day. 14 hour climb/hike. About 22 miles. Very strenuous day. Im an avid hiker, mountaineer, and a professional firefighter, and this is what I consider to be a solid 8-9 out 10 on difficulty.
Now gear...
30L Backpack, Black Diamond 30 Speed
4 Nalgene full of water (There is water at Trail Camp!!!)
1.5 Camel Pak
Lots of carb and sugar snacks
Tiny medical pack (I cut my hand on some granite rocks, thank goodness)
Mountaineering boots (La Sportiva Nepals)
Crampons (BD Contact)
Soft shell pants
Soft shell jacket
Hard shell pants and jacket (only used on glissade)
Ice axe
Glacier Glasses
2 Trekking Poles w/ snow baskets
Climbing helmet (be smart)
Sun screen, chap stick
Pair of running shoes for the trail before the snow.
A lot of trash I gathered on the way out... whatever you bring in, take out!

Hope this helps.
The one image of snow, is about 530am below outpost camp:
The other is me at summit - noon