Spent a few days last week at Mammoth Lakes, and enjoyed two day hikes:
First, up Mt. Dana. This is not a long hike, but it is steep. According to my GPS ~3.35 miles each way, with over 3K' elevation gain. Since there are a couple of flat spots, this hike is fairly steep. Going up is not so bad, but many, many, many big steps to contend with going down. Great acclimization hike due to altitude, but painful decent. For me, it was a "two fer". First and last

Following pictures are taken in order of assent. Near bottom, near mid point, and from the top.

Second hike was from Devil's Postpile to Minaret Lake. ~ 8 miles one way, but only ~2K' elevation gain. Most of the trail is soft to walk on, shaded, and a pleasure to hike. Not so many hikers on the trail, but I did meet 7 campers at Minaret Lake. 5 were going on to Cecile Lake, and possibly on to Iceberg Lake. More rain was predicted, so I chose to head back by going cross country toward the east, and intersected the Minaret Lake trail a couple of miles from the Lake. Made a nice loop. Following pictures are taken in the order of the assent. Highly recommended hike. I will likely do it again, perhaps the next time going on to Cecile Lake and possibly Iceberg Lake.