I'm trying to post this picture:
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3706823548300&l=8ca37bea13It's some goofy guy with a couple bears behind them.
This picture is at the Russian River about 2 hours south of Anchorage where salmon fishermen share the river with frequent bears. The rule is you cut your line when a bear approaches. I don't recall any incidents here. As you say, the bears are more interested in the fish than people. There were actually three bears--a mom and two yearling cubs that we were able to watch for quite some time.
Sounds like an awesome trip. Did you have to enter the lottery for the Brooks Fall trip?
Chicacocwright, your "lottery" was a new one for me. I did a quick Google search and hit a few links and could not find anything to indicate that a lottery was in effect for anyone wishing to fly in to Katmai, sleep at Brooks Lodge, or camp at Brooks Camp. It appeared there may be a lottery in effect for other areas in Alaska but I couldn't find anything to support that for Brooks.
Rather -- you just have to reserve early and shell out bucks! I booked with Bald Mountain Air (flying out of Homer) back in February. Than again, I suppose last minute seats are available . . . but I wouldn't want to chance that myself.
Since you're a fisherman, I might add . . . at the viewing platforms it was interesting to see that there WERE fishermen in the same area, just a little downstream from where the bears were. I guess as long as they observe that 50 yard rule they're OK . . . and they did seem to leave or retreat every once in a while when bears got closer to them. Also, at the start of the trail to the viewing platforms there is a bridge across the river . . . and I noted MANY salmon swimming just below the surface. Just solid phalanxes of them!
I note that right now the webcam is down because of technical difficulties.