I attempted a climb of Mount Starr, but was turned back due to losing the use-trail, and poor climbing rock (Class 3, with gravelly sand on the ground, and loose chest sized rocks in every crevasse between the larger boulders for 400' on a 30-40 degree slope). We tried for about an hour to find a good route up top, but the sun was getting low (we had a late start) and right as we were deciding for the final time whether to continue or not, a large head-sized rock was dislodged, nearly striking us. We turned back at around 12,400'. I am not used to summit failures, in fact I haven't had one in four years, but I am completely confident we made the right choice that day. And so I guess that really wasn't a failure. Plus, I learned what a "Sierra Slog" is before we turned back!
Mount Starr Attempt and Mono Pass