Chris - which Flattop are you referring to? Am thinking the one in the Cottonwood basin, SW of Woolyback since this a Whitney-centric board? IIRC, there's a Flattop near Longs in CO. Probably lots of others, too.
And on the subject of boots - the La Sportiva Nepal EVO boots are a thing of beauty, but ... a favorite in the Northeast where's it frequently subzero (real subzero, but flakey windchill subzero) lots of guys/gals use Cabela's Avalanche boot. They frequently go on sale for about $80. They're light, crampon-compatible (strap-on) & snowshoe compatible. When it's going to be lower than -5F, I tend to put in chemical toe-warmers (on the top of the toes) as I get older - a few bouts of frostbite will do that. I replace them about every 3 years as the 400gr Thinsulate tends to pack out, which is before they're actually worn out. But they're lightness, support and virtually zero break-in make them popular.
I've worn the Avalanche boots up Shasta a few times. OTH - if I were doing a real glacier (Rainier, etc), I'd put on the trusty Scarpa Invernos as I like the precise foot placement possible with a plastic boot. I'd put your LaSportiva's in the same class as the Invernos.
Last edited by KevinR; 01/20/15 01:56 PM.