Something to be aware of:
While a PERMIT is required, there is no QUOTA for Trail Pass, and it is a nice two day trip to go up there, hike along the PCT 7 miles to Chickenspring Lake to camp, then out over Cottonwood Pass about 4 miles the next day.
You have some additional options: so south about 1 mile past Mulkey Pass and camp at "Dutch Meadow", (should have water), and climb Muah Mountain.
Climb Trail Peak.
Climb Trailmaster Peak.
Climb Cirque Peak.
Swing around from Chickenspring lake, then go up and over New/Old Army Pass. that trailhead is only a short walk to your car.
You'll probably still be seeing some PCT'ers, and you won't be alone at Chickenspring.
Or, climb over Trail Pass and keep going southwest down to Golden Trout Creek. Climb back over Cottonwood. You will see no one west of the passes.
Or, follow the PCT and accessory trails into Miter Basin.
Lots of choices, depending upon your time.